Okay so I still haven't worked out the RSS-thing yet, but if you want to download the mp3 to your iPod or whatever, you can still do that here. To answer some questions that have been asked: I use Audacity to create the Fuzzcasts. I have NEVER done any audio mixing/editing/etc before, which is probably painfully obvious in these podcasts. (No, I'm not hinting for compliments, I'm being honest.) Recording these podcasts will be a learning experience for me, so hopefully you'll see improvements every week! :)
As I promised, drag queens and Doris Day: Fuzzcast #2
Great work! This is definitely a fun experiment thus far.
Posted by: Jess | January 16, 2007 at 08:20 AM
Loved Strictly Ballroom! I saw it ages ago when it first came out on video cassette. :-)
Posted by: Gymshoes | January 16, 2007 at 09:19 AM