So my friend Tracey recently broke up with her boyfriend of a year. He's a douche, we've offered to stab him, I'm not going to linger on my vengeful fantasies regarding that dickwad. Our mutual friend Brent then Twittered to Tracey that he was going to start wearing a t-shirt that said "Ask me about my hot single friend." That started a whole mess o' Twitters about Brent wanting to "pimp out" his single girl friends.
When he told me that he wanted to include me in his list I was immediately flattered, obviously. ;) However I asked him to leave me off of the list for a couple of reasons, the main being I'm not...really...single. *ooooooh* ;) Never one to pass up a compliment, though, I asked Brent to tell me what had planned on writing about me, and he sent me the following:
TheFuzzball - I can't even start typing anything about Tracy
without giggling, because she is the funniest person I've ever met in
person. If you like the TheBloggess's style of humor, you'll love
Tracy. They're different women, but TheFuzzball talks like TheBloggess
writes, and with equal speed. To me, the best part is that she's not
making jokes by slamming people - she's just genuinely funny. When I
needed photos for work, I called Tracy because I knew the photo shoot
would be a nonstop laughfest, and sure enough, Tracy's photos conveyed
how much fun we had. Oooo, there's a good idea: if you're a single
geek guy, contact her about doing a photo shoot. Say you need
headshots for your presentations. It's like a first date, only not
really a date, so you can get to know each other in a relaxed
environment. What's that, you say? I should stick to database
administration instead of date planning? Okay. On to the next hottie.
I would have written more, but I couldn't have you that far out of
balance with the rest of 'em! :-D You're such a doll. I swear to
God, if I was single I'd be kicking down your door - well, and then
probably begging for medical help for my freshly broken leg, because I
don't do a lot of door-kicking.
Let me say this: All girls need a friend like Brent. :D He and his darling girlfriend Erika are two more reasons why I love the Caroline Collective. I never would have met them otherwise!
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